How to:  Create a Dashboard View Template

Dashboard provides a summary status of cross project progress.  To run the Dashboard from the Project Center, first highlight the project or projects to be included in the Dashboard.

1.    From the Project Center click the Reports button then select Dashboard.  The Dashboard Template screen is displayed.

2.      Select New will bring up the New Dashboard screen to setup the dashboard criteria.

3.      From the General tab give the dashboard template a name.  For example:  You want to see the late tasks that are overdue by 3 days.  You can name it as Overdue Tasks or Late Tasks.

a.       In the Filter tab you can add a filter for this template by clicking on the Add button.  The Condition screen popup.

b.     Since we are setting a template for the Overdue Tasks.  From the Field drop down menu let’s select Finish as criteria.

c.       In the Condition drop down menu select -n to today.

d.       In the Value drop down menu enter 3 as the criteria.  Then click the Add to List button.  You can see the criteria are listed in the top section of the Condition screen.

e.    To add additional criteria replete Step d.

f.    Click the OK button will return to the New Dashboard screen.  

4.      From the Definition tab select Field the Definition View Field Setup screen is displayed.  To add the fields to view in Dashboard, highlight the field and click the Add button.  You can sort the fields by using the Move Up and Move Down buttons.  Click OK to return to the New Dashboard screen.

5.    From the New Dashboard screen click the Columns button to customize your data formats.  The Caption field gives you the capability to customize your column title.  For example:  You can change to Jane’s Title in the Title Caption field.  Click OK to return to the New Dashboard screen.

6.      Column Width can be adjusted by increasing or decreasing the characters width.

7.    Column can be align by Left, Center and Right selection.

8.   Column can be sorted in any selected field in Ascending and Descending order.  Click OK to return to the New Dashboard screen.

9.   To setup the font types and criteria click the Format Cells button.  The Definition Other Setup screen is displayed.

a.    Dashboard font type and background color can be modified from the Column Title section.

b.       To modify the font type in the Dashboard tasks click the Font button in the Row section.

c.     Click the Add button to add the Dashboard criteria for each fields.  The Condition screen is displayed.

i.         Select the Field to add in the criteria.

ii.       Select the Condition to add in the criteria.

iii.      Enter the Value to add in the criteria.

iv.      Click the Color button and choose the color for the criteria.  Then click the Add to List button.

v.     The criteria just set are listed in the Dashboard Criteria section on the top of the Condition screen.  Double clicking on the criteria will let you change the color.  Click OK to return to the previous screen.

10.   In the New Dashboard screen click New to set another template and click OK and Exit to return to the Project Center.
