How to:  Resolve “Failed to Connect to File Server”

This document describes how to diagnose Failed to connect to File Server issue.

Technical Background

1.      This problem can be seen only in Workgroup Client.

2.      Each client has a setup panel.  This panel contains the IP Address, and the Port number.  This information is required for the client machine to contact the server.

Possible Failures

1.       The network connection failed.

a.       Check the network connection. 

b.      Check if your machine can communicate with another machine or check the internet.

2.       The Server connection failed.

a.    From the Start menu do a Run…CMD and issue a ping of the server address. 

b.      This address is the one you entered into the setup panel.  If there is no reply but you can communicate with another computer, this means that the server is not available.  (Note that some server is configured to disallow ping commands.  So, even if the ping command failed, your server may still be alive and well.)

3.      If item 2 is successful and you are still getting a Failed to connect to the File Server, this may mean a firewall is blocking your traffic out of your computer.  You will need to configure your firewall to allow you to send and receive information from your PC (or allow your applications).  You can simple disable your firewall temporarily to see if this is a firewall problem.  (Note that to resolve this issue, you must allow traffic for xxxx, xxxxx, xxx)

4.       Go to the EasyTaskLink server to make sure that the File Service is up and running.

5.     In the EasyTaskLink server, install a client.  See if this client can access EasyTaskLink database.

6.      Another place to look at is the port number.  Some routers (more intelligent ones) have the ability to selectively allow or block port numbers.  We use port 10000.  It can be changed to anything your IT department allows.  However, there is a list of over one thousand preset port numbers used by computer vendors.  Please make sure what you have doesn’t conflict with theirs.
