The menu buttons are separated into three major categories:
1. Project level buttons (Top right hand side)
Project View tasks, Create and Setup Projects, Delete Project, or the Document Library for the selected project or Send Project to TM's Outlook.
Reports Run Dashboards, Status Reports and Views on the selected project(s).
Project Plans Open or download your MPP file.
2. Task level buttons (Bottom right hand side)
View Task Detail Access the task detail for the highlighted task.
File Status Report File a status report for the highlighted task.
New Journal Entry Insert a Journal entry into the highlighted task.
All My Tasks/My Project Tasks View all tasks assigned to the user or view the tasks of the highlighted project.
3. Project Center Views Buttons (Bottom buttons)
View Customize the View of the Project, or the Tasks section of the Project Center.
Refresh Refresh the data viewed on the Project Center or update the Project statistics on the highlighted non-MPP project.
Switch Assignee Allows Project Manager to view his/her team members assignments for Professional Edition only.
Help View EasyTaskLink Help.
Exit Exit Project Center.