Setup Status Report Periods

The screen for setting up the status report period can be found from the Project Center by clicking the Utility button and selecting Setup Status Reporting.  The Project Manager should select a reporting period dependent on the type of job and degree of control needed; this may be daily, weekly or even monthly.

1.       Daily – enter the time of day the status report should be filed.

2.       Weekly – enter the day of the week and the time of day the status report should be filed.

3.       Monthly – enter the day of the month and the time of day the status report should be filed.

Setting this reporting period provides the notification system a specific time when notifications should be sent to team members reminding them that their status reports are due.  See the section on Notifications for instructions on turning on this notification.  It is also used by the Overdue Status Report to determine which tasks should appear on the report.
